Recruit & Engage Participants

Create Recruitment Materials

Develop material to help you effectively reach participants. All materials should explain what the registry is and why participants would want to join it. Also explain that participants’ information will be confidential and their data will be protected. Refer to the RaDaR Tool: Sample Recruitment & Outreach Material, as you develop these materials.

Examples of information to include in recruitment materials:

  • Registry goals/purpose
  • How to join the registry
  • How data will be used and who will have access
  • Participation is voluntary/withdrawal options
  • Contact person
  • General information about registries such as frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Examples of recruitment materials are:

  • E-mail content
  • Blog post content
  • Chat group posts
  • Pictures or graphics to post on social media platforms
  • One-page printable handout (to distribute at conferences or display on bulletin boards in strategic locations)
  • List of common questions and answers