Data monitoring
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Data monitoring is the process of reviewing the information entered into the database for accuracy and completeness. The data can also be evaluated to ensure the entered information will accomplish the goals of the registry or clinical study. Data monitoring is performed proactively, either continuously or on a set schedule. The goal of data monitoring is to ensure high-quality data. Data monitoring can catch data that are inconsistent with other participants and therefore may need verification. It can also detect trends or patterns that differ from information collected in the past. Interventional clinical trials are most often monitored by a Data Monitoring Committee (DMC).

Sourced From
Obtaining Data and Quality Assurance from “Registries for Evaluating Patient Outcomes: A User’s Guide” [4th Edition, 2020]
Guidance for Developing a Data and Safety Monitoring Plan for Clinical Trials Sponsored by NIMH
Learn More
Rare Diseases Registry Program (RaDaR): Perform Data Quality Control

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